ed note
Editor's Note: I think the word delightful is kinda lame, but I really like the alliteration. :)
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Oh ShopBop
Friday, December 3, 2010
Forever Fridays: Party Time!
I still love dresses that look like tops tucked into high waisted skirts. This is probably because I love tops tucked into high wasted skirts but hate it when my top gets all bunched up underneath my skirt and I have to reach up under my skirt to straighten things out. It's not very ladylike. I long ago decided that I need to invent upside down suspenders that would solve this problem, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. So until I get around to inventing upside down suspenders, I will probably keep buying dresses that look like two-piece outfits. Like this little gem from Forever:
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Just Fab
So this is interesting... a website that pics out shoes and bags that match your personal style and creates a personalized boutique. All items are $39.95 (with free shipping both ways). I am not sure what quality these shoes and bags will be... but it's an interesting concept. Each month they send you new selections based on how you answer their introductory quiz. Oh and after you make your first purchase, they charge you once a month unless you remember to Skip This Month by the 5th day of each month.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Black Swan
So I know we are all SO excited about the release of Black Swan starring Miss Natalie Portman. But I am thinking this dress is a little too literal:
I first noticed this dress a while ago and at the time thought ok this is either for halloween or for Miss Emma Watson, because I can't imagine anyone else pulling it off. Then I saw it again and had a horrible image of this dress falling into the wrong hands. Like Ke$ha. The poor dear is already a trainwreck and a half (though I think that is the look she is going for). I keep having images of her trying to squeeze into this dress with a pair of ripped tights and doc martens looking like she had too much cough syrup and then took a bumpy ride on a time machine back to the mid 90's.
Ugh. Now I have a headache.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
SAVE THIS MODEL: An Open Letter to Revolve Clothing (Update)
UPDATE: After my original post, I received an email from Revolve Clothing which is copied below. The pictures of the model described below have been removed for her privacy.
Dear Revolve Clothing,
Dear Revolve Clothing,
From these pictures, it's pretty clear that this is not a case of photshopping gone wild. Rather, this is a girl with a problem. A pretty egregious problem. Now I understand that clothing looks better on ladies who are tall and thin. Clothes just hang better (and sell better) when shopper's aren't distracted by any unflattering bulges or what have you. But this is really taking it to the next level. This girl is obviously very pretty and obviously way. too. skinny. She looks like she would be a very lovely model if she had an extra 5-10 lbs on her, but in her current state she just looks tired and SO hungry. (I guess it doesn't help matters that she is always clutching her stomach like she just swallowed a handful of laxatives) A grown woman's knees should not be wider than her thighs and her head should definitely NOT be wider than her hips. Period.
Now, I have recently reached the ripe old age of 30, and I would be very hard pressed to name more than a handful of my girlfriends who didn't have an eating disorder or at least a serious diet phase at one point in life. I am not going to blame this on the fashion industry (or Revolve Clothing specifically), but jeeze, they really aren't helping here. By posting pictures like these, they are saying "this looks ok" or "it's not weird for a grown lady to be this skinny."
But, my dear readers, this does not look ok. And shame on Revolve Clothing for thinking it does. So I have decided to boycott Revolve Clothing until they take these pictures down, and I invite you to do the same. No shopping at revolveclothing.com and no posting about items listed at revolveclothing.com. I really like Revolve, but there are so many other online stores that sell the exact same products. Yes, they all use thin models, but there is a line and I think Revolve has crossed it.
And also, on a side note, I am not trying to ruin this girls modeling career. I think she is very lovely and could have a great career if she just put on a little bit of weight. Please get help.
Ok, I am done with my soapbox for a while.
Sisyphus in Stilettos
Baby Got Back
Aqua Cashmere Sweater Dress
Monday, November 29, 2010
Pretty Present Just For You
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Sunday Funday
SUNDAY. This day conjures up many things for many people; a day of rest for some religions, a lazy day on the couch to relax before the work week ahead, a day of traffic jams and delays at airports to get home from a relaxing getaway.
Manhattanites, looking for any excuse to drink have taken this day to a whole other level. In this town, the end of the weekend is known as Sunday Funday. Whether your Funday consists of dancing on a table at a MePa hotspot, a boozy brunch with bloodies in SoHo, football and beer all day at a Murray Hill sports bar, a late afternoon wine and cheese session, or pre and post-theater drinks, there's something for everyone in the Big Apple.
My Funday has for the past few weeks included J&J, otherwise known as my parents. You may think this means my Fundays have been less Funday and more Sunday. However, these two still know how to bring it! Today's adventure started with a coin toss between the ultra posh Plaza Food Hall and Eataly, Mario Batali's latest venture, a Costco sized (or at least what feels like a Costco size) Italian superstore. Since there was no actual coin toss and just the three of us weighing (arguing?) pros and cons in the car, we went with Eataly. Not because I don't love the Plaza, but because Poppa J and I could not bear the thought of having to deal with all the tourists at 57th and 5th this week. Don't get me wrong, I love that I live in the greatest city on Earth and with that means tons of people visiting. However, the holiday seasoning is sometimes maddening in that part of town.
Anyway, we thought we had this brilliant idea of not going to the shopping center of the world and even found a spot on the street (yup, no expensive garages on this funday!). To our dismay, Eataly was so crowded we couldn't even get near a take out counter. Rather than get back in the car, we walked over to Bar Stuzzichini, an old haunt of myself and my two gals, G & L. This place was perfect. Wine, cheese and assortment of small Italian plates, made it an entirely enjoyable Funday. Given the way I felt after last night's activities, dancing on a table at Bagatelle was not going to work for me. Plus, I don't think Poppa J would've been to happy with Momma J and I up on a table. So, while this week's Funday will not end with a Monday breakfast of Emetrol (baby nausea medicine), it was still fabulous.
Also, just so you my dear friends know, despite my above adventure, there are plenty of (bleary eyed) Sundays when I'm perfectly content to sit on the couch, read the New York Times, drink a venti coffee from bux and have a bagel and lox.
Whatever your Funday preferences are, check back here for updates on Funday spots to check out.
Fabulous Top for a Fabulous Night Out
Something Is Not Right.
Dear Revolve Clothing: There are SO many things wrong with this picture.
First of all, if this is not a photoshopped picture, please give this girl a cookie. or a whole thanksgiving dinner. If this is photoshopped, it's still disturbing. Not a single girl on this planet would look hot with a head that is wider than her hips. It just looks weird.
Second, this pose is awkward and makes it look like she has weird flippers for hands. A sad tired barbie doll with flippers for hands. or turkey wings.
Third, I am feeling pretty meh about this dress. Maybe it's just poor construction, but I just don't think the top and bottom go well together. It reminds me of the fashion plates I had when I was little. I used to love to pair together the top of the wedding dress with the 80's pegged jean bottoms just to see how it looked. Naturally, it looked like crap. Kinda like this dress.
See it for yourself.
Orange You Glad
I Can't Quit You, BP
For some reason I can't seem to quit Brass Plum at Nordstrom even though I recently turned 30. This is probably related to my Forever 21 affliction, which is holding strong despite the apparent age-inappropriateness.
It's warm and cozy (at least for west coast standards) and faux fur is super hot right now. It's only $62, so if you get sick of it after this winter, its not that big of a loss. I kinda feel like this is both ugly and hot at the same time. Thoughts?
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